By Sebastien Waknine – Poblenou 2016
Realistic portrait of Ralph Fiennes painted in Poblenou (C/ Espronceda) by the street artist Sebastien Waknine. Photos by Jesús Martínez Polo & Lluís Olivé
Photos, videos and much more.
Realistic portrait of Ralph Fiennes painted in Poblenou (C/ Espronceda) by the street artist Sebastien Waknine. Photos by Jesús Martínez Polo & Lluís Olivé
Here is the first entire big mural painted by the Barcelona-based artist Miss Van since 2003. The mural has been commissioned by Difusor for the FemGraff festival. We’ll come back later on this whole event which worth a full focus ! More infos >>> www.missvan.com Photos by Fernando Alcalá Losa & Julie Morize
En mayo del 2015 el artista urbano Kwets1 inauguraba el proyecto MURAL’H, promovido por la asociación Contorno Urbano, con la enorme intervención que transformaba el túnel de la Avenida Isabel la Catatólica de l’Hospitalet del Llobregat. Un trabajo que necesitó 12 semanas para cubrir 1000 m² de pared gris utilizando 1250 latas de MTN 94. […]
Geometría, colores y estilo… Disfruta la última pieza colaborativa hecha por los artistas Txemy , SAV45 y Lauro Samblás en una masia abandonada cerca de Barcelona. www.txemy.com www.instagram.com/sav45 www.laurosamblas.portfoliobox.me
Mural by our Catalan master Aryz for the Oslo Triennial of Mural Art Oslo, Norway – 2013 Photo © Susanna Allende (23.03.2016) www.aryz.es
Via ILGORGO Beautiful the collaborations between Emilio Cerezo and Laguna, the two artists come back again to work together with a new painting created recently in Las Mesas in Spain, part of the project Las Mancha Colors. There’s something inherently visceral in the pictorial approaches of the two artists, it is not only to […]
Peruvian art found its origin in the Andean civilisations which rose in the territory of modern Peru before the arrival of the Spanish. Thousands of years after this art is still alive and has reached the walls of our city thanks to a young artist: BRONIK. Proud of her roots, Bronik brings her colourful style from Peru and her pieces can oftenly be seen in the city. […]
Since more than one year, a new name is taking over the streets of Poble Nou: Rubicon1. The pieces are all done with brushes, excluding the traditional sprays from the technique, the style is definitely different and the urge to paint is obvious. Let’s meet Jeff McCreight, aka Rubicon1! Thanks to Joan Piñol for the photos. Jeff is a child of […]
New piece by Cristían Blanxer y SAV45 painted last week in the spot of Las Tres Chimeneas, Poble Sec. Lots of colors for a dark piece, enjoy the style! More about the artists: Cristian Blanxer >>> www.cristianblanxer.com SAV45 >>> Facebook
Website: www.symbi0sis.net Symbiosis empezó como una manera de censurar a escritores de graffiti y artistas urbanos preocupados por mantener su anonimato en imágenes capturadas mientras cometían actos de vandalismo. Pero al cabo de un tiempo me di cuenta de que aparte de la censura, también aporta una visión un poco más personal de artistas cuyo […]