CAYN SANCHEZ – Catalan new school

Graphic artist, illustrator, painter, muralist, cartoonist, but above all: graffiti writer since 1999. Cayn Sanchez is a young artist from Barcelona we have been observing since a while, and we love his works. Check it out. “The main subject matter of my non-commercial artwork are politics and social issues, without forgetting a great interest in aesthetics, even […]

EXPO “Amore$” – by Cranio @Montana Gallery

Montana Gallery Barcelona opens its doors to the Brazilian artist, Cranio (1982, São Paulo), who after passing through Miami, San Francisco, and London, sets foot in Barcelona for the second time. This exhibition will feature large format canvases and small drawings, all having been inspired by the artist’s everyday life. A daily life in which the […]

By Txemy & Rubén Sánchez – Dubai 2015

Txemy decided to join the Spanish artist Rubén Sánchez now established in Dubai, for a painting session at the Jamjar. Here is what went out of this colorful and mystic session. More about Txemy >>> More about Rubén Sánchez >>>   Astral Projection by Ruben Sanchez & Txemy from txemy on Vimeo.

Graffiti & Tattoos – By Turkesa

TURKESA is from Zaragoza and is based in Barcelona. She is very little when she starts drawing and decides going to the School of Arts and Crafts in Zaragoza. There, while studying, she meets her first mentor and teacher Ignacio Mayayo, for whom she poses on some occasion and goes out for life painting. At the same time she begins tagging […]

Galeria Oberta – Flashback Part 1

Some projects are not existing anymore, but it’s worth sometimes to have a look at them and understand their value in the context of our actual situation. Galeria Oberta is one of them. Created by Difusor, the aim of Open Gallery project was to transform the Parc de les Aigües wall (Abd-el-Kader), into an exhibition space on the […]

Monstruos y Colores, by ELEDU

Eledu nació en Barcelona nueve meses después del Dia de San Valentin de 1976, donde lleva residiendo en el barrio chino (también conocido por los modernillos como Raval) desde entonces. El último de tres hermanos, desde pequeño tuvo claro que como hijo de obrero inmigrante que era, debía estudiar, que era lo que le decían […]


Carlos Magone, also known as CB1MAG1, was born Lleida, a small city, west of Catalonia, Spain in 1976. He began playing with spray paint around 1995, but it is not until 1997 that he starts taking graffiti more serious. In 1999 he travels to London, England, where he continues writing graffiti and getting more and […]

By Gola Hundun – Bari 2015

New wall painted by the Barcelona based artist Gola Hundun, in Bari (Italia). “This image becomes the ‪icon‬ of the project ‪Oliosanto‬. I made it on paper, on canvas, on t-shirt and now on wall every time with different taste and colors, but I’m pretty proud that this one is the conclusive one. It symbolizes the obscure circumstances […]

By Roc Blackblock – Barcelona 2015

“El sistema defensa els diners, no les persones. Per això som antisistema” “The system defends the money, not people. This is why we are antisystem” By Roc Blackblock “Aquest és el resultat final del nou mural del Puertohurraco . Perquè en una ciutat que aspira a ser una botiga potser les llums ens enlluernen i no […]

Peeta’s residency – Barcelona 2015

2015 started well. Peeta decided to come back to Barcelona, 23 years after seeing the first mural of his life while spending vacation in our city. He came back from this vacations to his hometown Venice and painted his first graffiti, which marked the starting point of the long and respected artistic career we know. During all these years he […]