By Sebastien Waknine – Poblenou 2016
Realistic portrait of Ralph Fiennes painted in Poblenou (C/ Espronceda) by the street artist Sebastien Waknine. Photos by Jesús Martínez Polo & Lluís Olivé
Realistic portrait of Ralph Fiennes painted in Poblenou (C/ Espronceda) by the street artist Sebastien Waknine. Photos by Jesús Martínez Polo & Lluís Olivé
Here is the first entire big mural painted by the Barcelona-based artist Miss Van since 2003. The mural has been commissioned by Difusor for the FemGraff festival. We’ll come back later on this whole event which worth a full focus ! More infos >>> www.missvan.com Photos by Fernando Alcalá Losa & Julie Morize
En mayo del 2015 el artista urbano Kwets1 inauguraba el proyecto MURAL’H, promovido por la asociación Contorno Urbano, con la enorme intervención que transformaba el túnel de la Avenida Isabel la Catatólica de l’Hospitalet del Llobregat. Un trabajo que necesitó 12 semanas para cubrir 1000 m² de pared gris utilizando 1250 latas de MTN 94. […]
Cayn Sánchez nos dio el placer de pintar otro mural en el spot mítico de las Tres Chemineas, Poble Sec. Enjoy… More about the artist: >> www.caynsanchez.com >> www.streetartbcn.com/cayn-sanchez-catalan-new-school Photos >> Subagora
TURKESA is from Zaragoza and is based in Barcelona. She is very little when she starts drawing and decides going to the School of Arts and Crafts in Zaragoza. There, while studying, she meets her first mentor and teacher Ignacio Mayayo, for whom she poses on some occasion and goes out for life painting. At the same time she begins tagging […]
The Barcelona based artist Sebastien Waknine painted few walls recently in the Poble Nou district in Barcelona. Here is what went out from his abstract sessions … Photos: Jesús Martínez Polo – Larisa Lu
The Hidden Gems part1. Instagramer @bertsiles accepted to share with us some his best findings in Barcelona… Enjoy! http://instagram.com/bertsiles
Víctor Pacheco comenzó a pintar graffiti con el seudónimo kob, hacia 1999 en su ciudad natal Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, donde todavía se conserva parte de su obra. Durante los años dedicados al arte urbano, y contaminándose con los estudios de escultura e instalación, desarrolla una abstracción orgánica de la tipografía del graffiti describiendo […]
By Maplé (México)- in Barcelona Llucmajor, Casal de Jovenes-Octubre 2014 Mural del artista mexicano Mario Maplé con elementos de la cultura popular de su país, en actitud crítica ante la situación del narco-estado que se vive. A través de referencias al juego tradicional de la Lotería Mexicana, colores vivos y elemenos bidimensionales plasma los elementos […]
In collaboration with the tercentenary celebrations, renowned photographer Joan Fontcuberta presents an installation entitled El món neix en cada besada (The world begins with every kiss) in the Plaça d’Isidre Nonel, in Ciutat Vella. The piece consists of an 8 x 3.8 m photomosaic of a giant kiss made up of 4000 small-format photographs printed onto tiles […]