By Kenor – L’Hospitalet de Llobregat 2017
Kenor nos ofrece un nuevo mural gigante en l’Hospitalet de Llobregat, parte del primer safari de creatividad urbana Polyhedric. Colores y geometria a lo grande ! Photos by Fernando Alcalá Losa
Kenor nos ofrece un nuevo mural gigante en l’Hospitalet de Llobregat, parte del primer safari de creatividad urbana Polyhedric. Colores y geometria a lo grande ! Photos by Fernando Alcalá Losa
Our well-known Kenor brought his distinctive style to Jacksonville, for the Art (Re) Public Jacksonville, founded and curated by Jessica Santiago in conjunction with Iryna Kanishcheva.The expo from 11-13 November 2016 brought thirteen walls for the 2016 mural collection with artists concentrating on Jacksonville’s well-preserved architecture. As always, Kenor uses bright striking colours with angular geometric patterns all painted […]
Mural pintado por los artistas catalanes Elisa Capdevila & Ivan Floro en el pueblo de El Papiol (Carrer del Pare Remigi). Photos Lluis Olivé
is a project aiming to promote in a new way contemporary urban art in Barcelona, curated by Street Art Barcelona and Difusor. Situated on Plaça Raquel Meller near metro Paralel, this mural of 16 meters by 2 is dedicated to collaborations and experimentation between national and international artists. This initiative promotes a new concept of commissioned mural in Barcelona, which […]
“The ring” es la ultima intervención de Elbi Elem (conocida tambien como Labuenaylamala, residente de la Escosesa) para el 12+1 de Contorno Urbano en l’Hospitalet. “La idea era hacer algo que no había realizado anteriormente, me propuse como ejercicio personal utilizar la arquitectura, elementos y colores que lo rodean, integrarlo en el entorno, y romper con el […]
After few walls in Marseille and Vancouver which already impressed us, Peeta and Cinta Vidal continue their original collaboration with a new wall in Granollers, near the Congost river. Enjoy ! Photos by Lluís Olivé Wall painted in Marseille in 2016. Photo by the artists Wall in Vancouver. Photo by the artists
New massive 5 floors mural by SAV45 on an abandoned hotel in Lloret de Mar. March 2017 Photo by Fernando Alcalá Losa Photo by Fernando Alcalá Losa Photo by Nina Queral
Open Walls Conference, a festival refering to the international circuit of urban art, celebrates its fourth edition this week-end. Artistic creations, discussions and disseminations are included in this event which has become a meeting point for artists at the scene of the murals as well as new space for reflection, diffusion and promotion of urban art […]
Mural painted by the English street artist Sebastien Waknine in Poblenou, Calle Selva de Mar, October 16. Photos by Joan Piñol, Larisa Lu, Marisol Marco, Shoko Ryu y Jordi
ES: Intervencion mural de Sixe, Sergio Paredes, en la calle Lepant, 424, en el marco del festival Open Walls Conference 2016. EN: Mural by the Catalan artist Sixe situated in calle Lepant, 424, curated by Difusor for the Open Walls Conference 2016 Fotos credits: Fernando Alcalá Losa