By ARYZ, Venezuela 2015

New piece by our local master ARYZ in Maracay, Venezuela 2015. Curators: Huellas del arte “As far as I’ve seen, Venezuela is an amazing place, however it is in a tough moment because there is big interest by many countries to make Venezuela collapse. In this type of projects you don’t have the best infrastructure, but […]

By Miss Van – Coney Island 2015

Miss Van was recently invited to  the new public/private art project called “Coney Art Walls” hold in Coney Island, NYC. Photos © Jaime Rojo     

MIAU Festival 2015, Fanzara

MIAU (Museo Inacabado de Arte Urbano) is an urban art festival organized in the small village of Fanzara, in the region of Castellón. The 2015 edition just took place from 16/07 to 19/07 and invited a large number of Spanish graffiti and street artists. Giving its street and murals to the inspiration of the artists invited, Fanzara is […]

By Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada – Goes, Holland

Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada was recently invited to Goes in Holland to paint a new mural. He just sent us his photos and explains what is the concept behind his piece: “In the city of Goes (pronounced “Hoosh”) I photographed three young women and combined their features to create a composite face. I researched the local historical identity […]

By Roc Blackblock – Barcelona 2015

“El sistema defensa els diners, no les persones. Per això som antisistema” “The system defends the money, not people. This is why we are antisystem” By Roc Blackblock “Aquest és el resultat final del nou mural del Puertohurraco . Perquè en una ciutat que aspira a ser una botiga potser les llums ens enlluernen i no […]

Surrealist stencil portraits – By RICE

Let’s meet Rice, a young catalan artist based in Barcelona, actively painting in the streets of Barcelona already since few years. We first remarked him in the barrio of Gracia where he is mainly active, but you can see his colourful pieces in other central barrios like Raval or Born. Inspired by elder major local artists like BTOY, […]

Peeta’s first solo show in Spain – Montana Gallery Barcelona

The master of 3D graffiti, italian greatest graffiti artist… here are some of the attributes given to PEETA, showing the importance his pairs in the graffiti world but also in contemporary art are giving him. By his own words, he saw the first big mural of his life on a trip to Barcelona in 1991. 24 […]