New live painting by Sabek in Guzzo

El mural central del Guzzo vuelve a mutar, esta vez de la mano de Sabek! Nos encontramos como de costumbre, un lunes a partir de las 18Hrs para ver la creación del mural en directo… Sabek (Madrid, 1985) es un artista español, que inicia y lleva a cabo parte de su carrera en Madrid. Comienza […]

“String Quintet” – Massive mural by Juanjo Surace in Lisboa for MuroLX2021

This summer we’ve been participating in the organisation of the new large scale mural by the one and only Juanjo Surace, painted in Lisboa for #MuroLX2021, an initiative by Galeria de arte urbana. Called “String quintet”, this work speaks about art as a place of encounter, dialogue and understanding between cultures. In the composition we […]

New mural by Franco Fasoli in Trinitat Nova, Barcelona

New mural in Barcelona by the Argentinan artist Franco Fasolijaz, also known as Jaz. This artwork of 400m2 is the result of a collaborative process with neighbors of Trinitat Nova district on the thematic of Time. Project led by Difusor & B-Murals. @feralcala

New mural by Conse in Raval – Homage to Makha Diop

At the end of April of this year, a new permanent mural appeared in Raval, such a rare event in Barcelona that has to be highlighted.. The mural by the catalan artist Conse is a tribute to Makha Diop (Thiès, Senegal, 1958- Barcelona, 2020), a known activist of the district who recently passed. Known as […]

Freedom of speech in Spain – Struggle for the case of Pablo Hasel

Via Inspiring City Street artists in Barcelona have been showing their support for rapper Pablo Hasel. The singer has been at the heart of a controversy in Spain in a case which cuts to the heart of rules around freedom of speech. Showing support for Pablo Hasel, artists took to the streets. They created a […]

CONNECT – DEIH in Barcelona

Foto Toni Garcia Camps ES CONNECT es el proyecto de mural participativo que hemos desarollado a la largo del mes de enero 2021 en el parque Sant Pau del Camp (Raval, Barcelona) con el artista invitado DEIH de Valencia, bajo la temática de la ecología y el medio ambiente. Para ello, hemos desarrollado un proceso […]

Elisa Capdevila for The Crystal Ship 2020 – Ostend, Belgium

In 2016, The Crystal Ship dropped anchor in the city of Ostend. Ever since, the arts festival has turned the coastal town into Belgium’s leading open-air gallery, with over a dozen world-renowned street artists setting sail for it every year. In 2020, the artist from Barcelona Elisa Capdevila was invited to paint one mural in […]

Gargar Festival 2020

For this year’s edition of Gargar festival (postponed to September for obvious reasons), the small village of Penelles in Catalunya has invited a group of local and international artists to paint various of its murals, in addition to the already existing 100 murals (for 400 inhabitants!) painted the previous years. With three exhibitions and different […]

’20 METROS’ – Última intervención de Teo Vázquez para Mural/Local

Ese mes de Septiembre, el artista Teo Vázquez ha sido el nuevo protagonista de la 4ª edición del festival MURAL/LOCAL, un proyecto que seguimos cada año por la calidad de su programación artistica y su vocación comunitaria que este año ha contado con la participación de más de 30 vecinas y entidades del Poblenou. Teo, […]

Sixe Paredes – Nueva exposición CÍRCULO SAGRADO en Barcelona

Sixe Paredes vuelve a exponer en Barcelona 9 años después, su nueva muestra se llama “Círculo Sagrado”. Se podrán ver sus pinturas y tapices hasta el 10 de septiembre en la galería RocioSantaCruz. Desde finales de los años 80, Sixe Paredes desarrolló su práctica artística pintando en la calle, sobre los muros de Barcelona. Es […]