By Stefano Phen in Barcelona
By Stefano Phen in Barcelona 2014
By Stefano Phen in Barcelona 2014
Obras by Enric Sant
InnerLandscapes Show: A collective action by Subagora @Guzzo (Plaza comercial, 10 – Barcelona). Con la colaboración de Txemy, BTOY, Enric Sant, Crajes, Joan Tarragó, Ripo, Cristian Blanxer, Vj Ovideo OpenDesktop & Dj Timber. Photos: @Subagora
Wall done at Open Walls Barcelona 2014 by Marina capdevila and Amaia Arrazola
By Aryz, Free party truck – 2014 More about Aryz: www.aryz.es “A friend of mine with who I started painting with has been in the Free Party movement for several years now, all the amazing trucks I’ve had the opportunity to paint were done because of him. So once in a while I get some new […]
” Polish artist M-City is now in Barcelona invited to take part of this year’s Open Walls in Barcelona, Spain. Inspired by the new drone revolution, M-city chooses to work on the idea of drone technology and how it is revolutionizing the way we conduct everything from military operations to mail delivery. A simple and effective contribution to this year’ festival. ” by Urbanite Webzine […]
By Alaniz in Sant Marti – Barcelona “Me and myself” You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” ~Buddha
Via el pais: Articulo original www.elpais.com Con la ordenanza de civismo de 2006 se esfumaron. Los graffiteroscasi desaparecieron de una ciudad que en los 90 había forjado una cantera de escritores y en 2000 era referente del arte urbano, Barcelona. Fueron años de paredes grises, evocan los expertos: los escritores dejaron de pintar en la […]