By Kenor – L’Hospitalet de Llobregat 2017

Kenor nos ofrece un nuevo mural gigante en l’Hospitalet de Llobregat, parte del primer safari de creatividad urbana Polyhedric. Colores y geometria a lo grande ! Photos by Fernando Alcalá Losa  

[FOCUS] Las baldosas de BL2A

 BL2A o Baldosa es un artista catalán de Girona que reside actualmente en Barcelona. Convencido de que la calle es la galería más democrática que existe y con la necesidad de liberar las ideas encerradas en su bloc, desarrollo el proyecto BL2A, con el que rescato azulejos y baldosas convirtiéndolos en soporte de su obra. El proceso de creación de cada […]

“Detroit Moves” by KENOR – Jacksonville, Florida 2016

Our well-known Kenor brought his distinctive style to Jacksonville, for the Art (Re) Public Jacksonville, founded and curated by Jessica Santiago in conjunction with Iryna Kanishcheva.The expo from 11-13 November 2016 brought thirteen walls for the 2016 mural collection with artists concentrating on Jacksonville’s well-preserved architecture. As always, Kenor uses bright striking colours with angular geometric patterns all painted […]

Arnau Gallery – The first open-air urban art gallery in Barcelona

is a project aiming to promote in a new way contemporary urban art in Barcelona, curated by Street Art Barcelona and Difusor. Situated on Plaça Raquel Meller near metro Paralel, this mural of 16 meters by 2 is dedicated to collaborations and experimentation between national and international artists. This initiative promotes a new concept of commissioned mural in Barcelona, which […]

By Elbi Elem – L’Hospitalet de Llobregat 2017

“The ring” es la ultima intervención de Elbi Elem (conocida tambien como Labuenaylamala, residente de la Escosesa) para el 12+1 de Contorno Urbano en l’Hospitalet. “La idea era hacer algo que no había realizado anteriormente, me propuse como ejercicio personal utilizar la arquitectura, elementos y colores que lo rodean, integrarlo en el entorno, y romper con el […]

By Peeta & Cinta Vidal – Granollers 2017

After few walls in Marseille and Vancouver which already impressed us, Peeta and Cinta Vidal continue their original collaboration with a new wall in Granollers, near the Congost river. Enjoy ! Photos by Lluís Olivé Wall painted in Marseille in 2016. Photo by the artists Wall in Vancouver. Photo by the artists

By SAV45 – Lloret de Mar 2017

New massive 5 floors mural by SAV45 on an abandoned hotel in Lloret de Mar. March 2017 Photo by Fernando Alcalá Losa Photo by Fernando Alcalá Losa Photo by Nina Queral

[AGENDA] Open Walls 2016, UNLOCK Fair & Eat Street Urban Edition

Open Walls Conference, a festival refering to the international circuit of urban art, celebrates its fourth edition this week-end. Artistic creations, discussions and disseminations are included in this event which has become a meeting point for artists at the scene of the murals as well as new space for reflection, diffusion and promotion of urban art […]

The eye of Waknine – Poblenou 16

Mural painted by the English street artist Sebastien Waknine in Poblenou, Calle Selva de Mar, October 16. Photos by Joan Piñol, Larisa Lu, Marisol Marco, Shoko Ryu y Jordi