By Sixe, Debens & Valentino – Barcelona 2015
Surrealismo contemporáneo por los artistas Sixe, Debens & Valentino… Parc de las tres chemineas, Paralel. Barcelona 2015. Photos >>> Subagora
Surrealismo contemporáneo por los artistas Sixe, Debens & Valentino… Parc de las tres chemineas, Paralel. Barcelona 2015. Photos >>> Subagora
Mural by Axe Colours near plaza de la Virreina Vila de Gràcia. Photo by Carles. More about the artist >>> www.axecolours.com
“Third-age yoga”… New mural done last week in Falset by Marina Capdevila. Mora about the artist >>> www.marinacapdevila.com
AGENDA >>> Raval Academy of Arts – 19/22 Agosto – Domingos Barcelona PINTURA – FOTOGRAFIA – PRINTS – MUSICA – CRAFT ALE Con la participación de Zubmarino, Maria Monty, Max Rippon, Spankone, Landry, Cane, Karen Klink, Roger S. i R., Omega III, Tiago Majuelos, Margarito dela Guetto, VJ Entter, Maya Venkova, Sawe, Mentirasysaliva, Hanako Mimiko, Lina Persson, […]
Miss Van was recently invited to the new public/private art project called “Coney Art Walls” hold in Coney Island, NYC. Photos © Jaime Rojo
‘A well without water. A bird that can’t fly. An alley with no exit’ Study of minimalist poetry on a maximalist scale. New wall painted by the Barcelona-based artist RIPO during the Traffic Design Festival in Gdynia, Poland. More about the artist >>> www.max-rippon.com
MIAU (Museo Inacabado de Arte Urbano) is an urban art festival organized in the small village of Fanzara, in the region of Castellón. The 2015 edition just took place from 16/07 to 19/07 and invited a large number of Spanish graffiti and street artists. Giving its street and murals to the inspiration of the artists invited, Fanzara is […]
Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada was recently invited to Goes in Holland to paint a new mural. He just sent us his photos and explains what is the concept behind his piece: “In the city of Goes (pronounced “Hoosh”) I photographed three young women and combined their features to create a composite face. I researched the local historical identity […]
Our Catalan stencil artist BTOY went to represent the Ciudad Condal in the metro of Paris. Invited by the collective Quai 36 for a street art exhibition, here’s what she did in the tunnels of Gare du Nord. Exhibition till 8th July, don’t miss it if you’re near! Photos by Cyril Tallieu
New wall by the Catalan international graffiti artist Aryz CULTURAL FORUM, Carballo, Galicia 2015 >>> www.aryz.es <<<