The Outing Project in Barcelona

The Outings is a world participative project initiated by Julien de Casabianca, french artist, filmmaker and visual artist. The idea of the project is that everybody can photograph the portraits of anonymous people on museum walls, print them, move them to streets walls and set them free. “No one really watch them in their frames. Smalls. Secondary. […]

The Hidden Gems part1.

The Hidden Gems part1. Instagramer @bertsiles accepted to share with us some his best findings in Barcelona… Enjoy!  

By H101 in Tabacalera, Madrid – Festival Muros

Muros, el proyecto de Madrid Street Art Project para el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, pretendía reconvertir el perímetro del edificio de Tabacalera en un espacio dedicado al arte urbano, a su creación y disfrute, y transformar así unas unas paredes toscas y grises en un lugar para la creación artística en el espacio […]

Barcelona Style in Wynwood, Miami

Every year the Wynwood Arts District is home to over 70 Art Galleries, Retail Stores, Antique Shops, Eclectic Bars, and one of the largest open-air street-art installations in the world. Taking over what used to be the warehouse and manufacturing district of Greater Miami, developers have rehabilitated neglected warehouses, shuttered factories, and other unused buildings, transforming […]

By SIXE – Tribute to Joan Miró

Sixe Paredes presenta el primer mural para el proyecto “Ciutat Vella”, a cargo de Arcadi Poch (Kognitif), en tributo a uno de los grandes muralistas contemporáneos de Barcelona, Joan Miró, en pleno corazón del barrio del Raval, en la calle Sant Pau, esquina Riereta. Este mural ha coincidido con la exposición “De Miró a BCN” […]

By Stefano Phen – Barceloneta Mural Video

Video of a huge mural painted in 2011 by Stefano Phen at Box220 in La Barceloneta. This mural has been recently erased and replaced by a grey mural… More about Stefano Phen >>

KRAM & ELEDU show in Sala Gaspar

Persiana Gaspar is presenting the works by KRAM & ELEDU, two artists from Barcelona, who form part of the collective FATAL FAKE and stick out with their special technique of applying posters onto the streets. Both of them have always been interested in maintaining the high level of Barcelona’s Street Art scene, which becomes evident not […]